Power outages may last anywhere from 3 hours to 24 hours, often after the storm passes. A family of 1 sim has a 5% chance and a family of 8 sims has a ~1/3 chance of getting a power outage with a close strike. As a caveat, families with more sims get more rolls, so to speak. Each roll has a 5% chance of causing a power outage. You'll know this has happened when a sim has the "that was close" tense moodlet. Lightning Strikes that hit within 30 squares of any sim on the lot will now "roll the dice" to trigger a power outage. I don't think it will work with sims upstairs but you can try. It should now have a higher chance of a power outage occurring and is now compatible with No12's Weather Realism Overhaul Mod ! I've been testing it all day. Version 1.4 I reworked how this mod is triggered by lightning. Requires V3 of Scumbumbo's XML Injector Update October 8, 2019Īdded French translation thanks to Candyman Update AugBrazilian Portugese translation thanks to ArturLira Update August 1, 2019 Small update, blocked an interaction causing sims to run inside when they were already inside. Jadded Chinese translation thanks to mumulinovo June 5 2020 There's a chance value right at the top you can edit. You can also tweak my addon if you have sims 4 studio knowledge. So if you find power outages rare, try adding some bushes or objects in your lots. The game prefers to hit objects and sims, and not the open terrain that much.

The game chooses where to strike randomly, the dice of my mod will only be cast if it strikes within 30 squares of a sim that lives on your lot. Uploaded a small addon to increase the chance of a power outage from 5% to 10%.